Where Can I Find FDA Approved Kn95 Masks ?

If the dealer or manufacturer claims that KN95 face shields are approved by NIOSH(FDA approved kn95 masks), then you are most likely dealing with a fake product.

Since a lot of counterfeit KN95 masks are sold online, and only a few Chinese manufacturers initially made it onto FDA list of approved kn95 masks, you still might want to use this list as a go-to reference point to ensure that you are buying a KN95 option that you can trust. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes, and the only way to know that you are getting a quality mask is to verify that the brand is either registered with the FDA or is listed as an FDA Emergency Authorization, says Sonpal. In 2020, the FDA released the emergency authorization list for NIOSH-unapproved respirators, detailing exactly what manufacturers make masks consumers can trust.

FDA granted KN95 masks what is known as emergency-use authorization (EUA) – meaning that they can be used in hospitals.

In 2020, FDA granted Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) to certain KN95 masks because supplies of N95 masks were scarce. In fact, in the early days of the pandemic, with medical-grade masks being particularly scarce, the FDA granted KN95 masks what is known as emergency-use authorization (EUA) – meaning that they can be used in hospitals. Because they are designed to comply with Chinese standards, KN95s are unregulated in the United States. From April 2020 through June 2021, the FDA had a temporary emergency use authorization allowing American healthcare workers to use KN95s in their work. Despite the lack of regulation, these brands and their manufacturers had ways to improve their credibility, such as registering with FDA, or being included in the now-defunct Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) the FDA passed in 2020 to help medical workers choose KN95 masks.

Cleanpro(r) KN95 masks are manufactured at FDA-registered, cleanroom manufacturing facilities known for quality and consistency. Powecom KN95 face mask $10 for 10 $14 Now 29% off $10 for 10 The Strategist recommends these KN95 face masks in our disposable masks roundup, as they are included on the FDAs list of approved PPE for emergencies, and are easy to find. The Powecom KN95 face mask, which ships from our warehouses directly from Mount Vernon, New York, is a face mask with an FDA-approved respirator made from a multi-layer, woven, non-breathable fabric filter system, and is used around the world.

Guangzhou Powecom Labor Insurance Supplies Co., Ltd., manufacturer of the Powecom KN95 personal respirator, has designated Bona Fide Masks(tm) as its primary distributor to the U.S. While NIOSH tests and certifies the N95 mask, it does not endorse KN95 masks, KF94 masks, or any other respirator products which can be internationally certified. To help you find the best fit, Strategist has put together a list of the Doctor-approved, Strategist-tested KN95 masks that you can buy now. On Aug. 5, 2020, the FDA issued a master order to certain single-use, disposable surgical masks, responding to concerns about inadequate supplies and accessibility for these masks.